Thanks for your query.
Noted your history of lots of
stress you had undergone due to ill-health of your son who is fine now but your problems persisted.
You have lot of noise,
bloating, put on calafate and getting better. But noticed today a stand of blood approximately 2 inches in length red may be bright red.
Colonoscopy 4 months ago was normal. you are taking aschix for GERD.
Since you have started this problem as a matter of stress the chances of
aerophagia and IBS are more. But to say this we have to rule out other causes as infection and other organ problems and need a battery of investigations.
CT scan of the abdomen, Upper GI and Colonoscopy
Tests of stool, urine and blood.
All these tests will guide to the proper diagnosis and if all are normal this can be IBS and treated accordingly to get well.
Take care, make a list of the foods and beverages that instigate or enhance your problems.