I appreciate your concern and I will try to help you out in best possible way
This could be an undigested food particle or remnant of drug if you have taken any?
This can be caused by food poisoning or
gastroenteritis, colitis or
food allergy or prolong constipation
I would like further information to help you better like
Your age and relevant medical history
have you taken any medicines or adulterated good
Since how long you have this problem?
Meanwhile please follow these guidelines
Try to avoid constipation by taking
liquid paraffin like stool softeners
dietary fiber to increase bulk of the stool.
have lots of fresh fruits and steamed vegetables
Avoid smoking and alcohol
Have lots of fluids including ORS to counter
dehydration and electrolyte imbalances
Wash your hands with antiseptic soap or solution to maintain good hygiene
Avoid fatty fried junk and cold food
Please revert back to me with answers I will be happy to help you
Best wishes