Some 18 months ago I mentioned to my GP that I was experiencing constipation and was it something to be worried about when I was previously very regular, have a good healthy diet, plenty of roughage and very little processed food, drank water etc etc. I do take vitimin d tablets as I have vitaligo, and it was put down to this with a recommendation to stop tablets for a month or 2, see if it improves. It didn t, so went back on them. I have permenant pelvic pain, but put this down to spondylitis (?) which was diagnosed some years ago through X-ray. I now suffer from abdominal cramps, which GP said was IBS due to menopause. I wake up with the pain at times. I am currently experiencing cramps, whilst eating evening meal and afterwards, to the point of nausea. I have a permenant ache in my back, around but not quite, kidney area. I am a 50 year old female