I have diarrhea, I m not sure if it s a normal one, because I ve never had diarrhea before or if I have I don t remember. I think it s getting worse, because this description I m about to say is just happening more frequently. My stomach is hurting like I m hungry but I m not. This then leads me to go to the bathroom. Then I think I m done, but once I stand up my stomach hurts again. I ignore it and go back upstairs, but then it comes back.. I just read the causes, precaution, and healing. But I just want to make sure the information is correct. Here s the site: https://ph.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=0000AAreS6z I don t want to have parasites in my body. Is true that coconut juice will make it better? And drinking water? I don t know what to do...help me please! Thank you! 18, 5 1/2