I;m having troubles with the odor that are airborne , I smell everyone of them !! some idiot was cooking meth behind my house about 5 yrs. ago . I would go home and get sick everytime, I left my house of 12 yrs. left everything , made me sick. been getting sick since then .. smell things in the air, my head starts to hurt in the back , my stomach hurt , my chest cavity hurts like I work out with some heavy weights . I cannot move again , I feel good went i:m away from the smells , what did this person do to me ?I' m basically living in my van now , I don't do any drugs at all , 20 yrs since having even a beer . I take baby aspirin for pain that it.. 55 yrs. old , play tennis for last 20 yrs, run 3 miles aday , 6 ft 195 w ath. my whole life. drink beer went I was younger . other people around me don't get sick, or even smell the things I do , I guess I;m special now , whats going on with my body .????