Dear Radha,
You had your last period on 6th and sex on 17th. There is a possibility of
pregnancy. The egg is released 14 days prior to next period. The egg has life of 24 hours and the sperms are active for 72 hours. Hence a period of about one week around the day of egg release is a fertile period; which in your case would be between 18 and 26. So your sex on borderline.
Since you have missed period, you have following options to detect the pregnancy:
1. 8-10 days after missed period, get pregnancy test done on overnight morning first urine sample. Done earlier, these tests may give false negative results.
2. You may opt for
Beta hCG test which can give you reliable diagnosis of pregnancy even few days before missing a period.
If you are pregnant and this is unwanted pregnancy, you may opt for medical termination of pregnancy. Tab. Mifepristone followed after 24-48 hours by Tab.
Misoprostol can terminate the pregnancy safely and successfully up to 9 weeks of gestation. These are not 'over the counter' medicines. You have to buy them only with Obstetrician's prescription and take them under observation. 7 days after consuming the last pill, please report to the Obstetrician for follow up. Completion of
abortion can be ascertained by
Since these medicines cause developmental abnormalities in the baby, pregnancy should not be continued in case of failure of these medicines; pregnancy should be terminated by surgical evacuation of the
I hope this helps you.
Dr. Nishikant