Hi thanks for asking question.
you have foul smelling urine.And painful urination also.
so here we want to rule out
urinary tract infection.Do your urine routine microscopic examination.If it show pus cells and bacteria then it should be treated with antibiotic like
cefixime or ofloxacine.
If no improvement with use of antibiotic then antibiotic given according to culture and sensitivity.
Meanwhile -drink more water
-avoid excess spicy food
-Avoid smoke
-Green leafy vegetables
-cranberry juice helpful
-fruit juices helpful
Mostly with these measures you will improve.
If profuse discharge with foul smell then trichomonas like infection can present for which urine routine examination helpful.
Metronidazole given for it.
If discharge is curd white like then
candidiasis like infection can be thought and culture done for it.If culture show fungus treated accordingly.
Meanwhile if no improvement USG done for detection of stone,
prostatitis etc.
I hope my suggestion will be helpful for you.
:Dr.parth goswami