my 84 year old dad had 2 epunexplained episodes this week. he has diabetes and doen tt check his sugar eats whenever he chooses, sis on metformin and one other diabetes medication, in addition to high blood pressure and 2 heart attcks in 10 years. he was walking 2 miles daily but arthritis in his knees and refusing to admit he s aging & hates the fact that he has to take meds. he almost hit a tree head on the other day in the parking lot of his frequently favored restaraunt. my mom said hif she didn t scream they would have hit hit head on, in a small parking lot. 3 days ago my mom described his mental state upon awakening as total confusion. she said he sat ofn edge of bed and couldn t put his pants on and said they felt weird. she described this he was counting aloud as he walked his fingers down bothe shins calves untilh reached his feet and said hehad no big toes on either feet. he was delusional for a few minutes repeating counting aloud downhis legs and again said no big toes. he couldn t get upright away. mom, diabetic also insulin 6 x daily, ckhecked his sugar against his will and it was 367. he slept for 3 hours only toawaken again and repeated same behaviour. mom got him food and made him take hismeds and within a couple hours it steadily dropped. he went to dr they didd brain mri w and without contrast, the has appt schedulted to check his carotid artery, eeg, . 1/17/17 mom recvd call that they believe he could have experienced an ischemic attack. they want to repeat brain mri this weekbecause theree appears tobe a spot. could his neglect tand denial to givein to the fact that he has diabetes and other diseases cause such an episode? i worked a long time ago as a secretary to the nj visiting nursing association as and already have suggested on phone last night that they also get a secondopinion from a second neurologist. i myself whad a brain mri and freehold radiology reported that it appeared that i has an ischemic attack in the right occiptal nerve. when i went tomy sister in laws neurologist {who had nonmalignant tumor in temple removed bo as o what ``7and orede / ehe also. ite o is