Hello and thank you for using HCM.
I carefully read your question and I understand your concern.
I will give you my opinion and explain something.
You should know that heart pains usually has some characteristics. They are retro-stern pains, like squizzing, tightness. They might be irradiated to neck, shoulders, jaws. Usually they last from 5 to 20 minutes.
They might be associated with heart palpitations, nausea,
shortness of breath,
You explain a pain like stitch, heart racing. In my opinion this is not a typical heart pain. It seems more like a rhythm issue. Sometimes a simple
sinus tachycardia, meaning that the heart beats more than 100 for minute, might be the reason of this symptoms. You might experience heart racing, heavy breathing,
anxiety, dizziness.
This rhythm issues might have different causes like sleeping problem, stress, excessive coffee consumption, alcohol, so you have to avoid them.
Other pathology like anemia,
ischemic heart disease might be other causes.
If I was you treating doctor i will recommend a fool blood analyze, your thyroid hormones, an electrocardiogram, a cardiac echo and if it is possible a holter rhythm monitoring and a
stress test.
Only after this fool check up we can be sure what we are dealing whith and how to menage it.
Hope I was helpful.
Best regards.