Hi Doctors, I am a male 52 yr old living in Australia.. Just wondering if you could please advise on the following. Last night, I was awoken in the early hours by a strange stabbing pain in my left testicle. I thought I may have just laid in a strange position and so rolled over and tried to go back to sleep, but the pain (lasting only a quick second or so each time, at 30-60 sec intervals) was like a painful pulsing sensation or like a quick electric shock to that area.. I took some pararectemol after about 6 hours of trying to wait for the pulsing to stop and then finally it did (not sure if as a result of the tablets or me trying to reduce my anxiety as much as possible). My left testicle is still very tender and sensitive/red today, but the pulsing seems to have moved down my leg now ? Do you have any suggestions as to a cause or diagnosis please ? I am obviously somewhat anxious aboiut it returning back to my testicle at some point and would much rather prevent that from happening as I'm sure you understand. Thank you very much for any assistance, Regards, Jeff