Thank you for your query. I can understand your concerns.
It seems you had transient diplopia which may occur with tiredness, particularly if reading glasses are needed but absent or inadequate.
Drug and
alcohol intoxication may cause temporary diplopia,bu other suggestive history & features will be there.
Patients with
myasthenia gravis will present with ocular symptoms such as diplopia,which improves after sometime.
Ophthalmoplegic migraine another rare condition consisting of headaches accompanied by weakness of the external ocular muscles,which subsides after the cessation of migraine attack.
Sudden narrowing of your field of vision, leaving you with the ability to see only directly in front of you could mean you have developed glaucoma that damages your optic nerve, with accompanying
vision loss at the "edges" of your field of view.
Eye "strokes" (occlusions) that block normal blood flow to the eye's internal structures, including the optic nerve, also can lead to loss of
peripheral vision.
other few causes are:Detached retina,
Brain damage from stroke.
Since your diplopia and narrowing of vision was sudden and temporary,a vascular event (transient ischemic attack/TIA) is most likely the underlying cause. However you need to be seen by an Ophthalmologist
Dr. T.K. Biswas M.D.