I totally understand your concerns regarding these bruises.
The following points should be taken into consideration:
1- With age, the skin becomes thinner and hence the vessels more exposed to any external trauma and might bleed easily under the skin leading to bruises.
2- However in such cases a full hematologic workup must be done especially that you are also anemic in order to detect any possible
bleeding disorder that is leading to these recurrent bruises, the following tests are essential in this case:
A- CBC: complete blood count: in order to detect the platelet level for it might be the reason of this bleeding tendency
B- Peripheral blood smear: to look at the platelets, at the red blood cells and look for some evidence for any possible hematologic disease (schistocytes ... )
C- PT/PTT levels should be done, to see if you have any problem with the coagulation cascade that might present as recurrent bruises.
Finally, if all these tests are normal, then this is mainly due to aging and thinner skin.
The following steps can help you deal with these bruises:
1- Apply ice to the bruise for about 15 minutes per hour the first day after the bruise to constrict the bleeding vessels, decreasing the amount of blood coming under the skin.
2- After the first day, apply heat to the bruise for about one hour to let the blood gathered under the skin circulate,
flushing it out.
3- Eat foods rich in
Vitamin C because it will help your body regenerate
collagen, which fortify your blood vessels.
4-Apply Arnica and
Aloe vera gels on the bruise, because it will help dilate your blood vessels and ensure a quicker healing time.