I am hoping that someone can advise me on some sypmtoms that I have been having. I am a 25 year old female and over the last 3 months my breasts have been swelling and have been very painful. Over the last four months my periods have also been very light and only lasting one day, where they were usually lasting three days.
Three days ago I came on my period (one week early) but it wasnt like a period I have ever had before. It was extremely heavy (I was having to wear a pad and tampon together as the super tampon - which I have never had to use before, was full within an hour) and I was passing lots of what looked like blood clots - however some of them seemed jelly like and some seemed stringy, the blood was bright red. These symptons lasted 8 hours then stopped. My breasts are no longer swollen and sore but my lower stomach feels like its pulling and cramps every so often.
I havent got a clue what could have caused this but I cant stop thinking about it, so I would really appreciate some advise on what it could have been.
Many thanks in advance,