Hello, my husband is 60 years old and has had 2 total knee replacements about 7 years ago, since then he has always struggled with calf swelling, he takes diuretics and potassium daily to help and wears the support calf socks to help keep swelling down. Recently on one leg 2 holes the exact size of a dime have opened up and seep a clear fluid, he has to wear bandages as it drips pretty bad, they come and go we put Neosporin and bandages. 3 days ago a larger one opened up on his other leg, he felt it itching and went to rub it and it just burst open pouring clear fluid. Our primary care phy. put him on antibiotics and bacitraycin ointment and told us to call if it got worse. well it has gotten bigger and is now seeping a small amount of diluted blood, what could be causing this? Should we go to the emergency room? Of course it is now the weekend!