I am 59 yr old female, I have been seen in er 2 x in last 2 weeks for extreme swelling in legs and severe cramping in chest left arm and jaw w/nausea and vomiting. EKG is normal blood gas normal. white blood cell count was 15k 1 week ago up to 20k on wed. I am disparately trying to find a doctor who will accept my straight medi cal because it will be up to 45 days before I can use health care options of Blue Cross. I know I can go to the er but honestly I need to see a doc who can do further testing and/or adjust my blood pressure meds which were changed on July 17th from Metroprolol 25 mg, Lasix 20mg and hydrocloridethiazide little orange pill. to . Metroprolol 25 x 2 daily, Lisinopril 5mg. 1 per day, Amlodipine desylate 5 mg daily. Can you please help me find a doctor. I sweat profusely have to have a fan blowing on me constantly I weight 270, 5 6 temp is consistently 77.4