Welcome in H.C.M.
I have gone through your query regarding
sore throat which had progressed to involve tonsils and white sores have developed on tonsils along with soreness in entire mouth and lips also become swollen and oedematous.
Your entire clinical history indicates that you are having
acute follicular tonsillitis with aphthus ulcers on lips and various parts of mouth cavity.
For diagnosis and treatment point of view you are advice for these investigations-
1- Culture and sensitivity of throat swab.
2- Blood- CBC,
ESR, blood sugar (fasting and post parendial).
3- Gram's staining of saliva.
Condition of mouth and throat as you have described is to be treated by
ENT specialist but till you are waiting for specialist you may take-
a- Tab
b- Antiseptic mouth wash and gargling.
c- Boroglycerine locally to be applied in mouth cavity.
d- Antibiotic (preferably broad spectrum).
I hope your query is answered.