I m male 59 yr and had a big supper yesterday, felt unusually full all evening, went to bed couldn t get comfortable. As the night went on I felt worsening generalized abdo pain all over with a sense of bloating and mild abdo tenderness all over. Finally at 2:30 a.m. I felt a need to move bowels and did so. However I felt a lot of nausea, abdo discomfort but the BM was normal, large and no red or black colour. I felt terribly weak and unwell, flushed, lightheaded and hot despite the cool house. Gradually after lying on the bathroom floor for 10 min I began to feel better and went back to bed where I felt ok and eventually went to sleep. This a.m. I tried to get up but felt very weak and cancelled my day, slept to 1 p.m. got up and felt minor unease in my stomach. I ate and worked from home. Now at 8 p.m. I ve little appetite and increased bowel noises. I ve minor general abdo tenderness, no fever. This is all very unusual for me. No big health problems meds = lipitor. Wondering what to think about this.