Please write your question heremy current labs came back with these figures: wbc 3.1 / rbc 1.76 / hemoglobin 5.9 / hemacrit 17.2 / mcv 97.6 / mch 33.5 / mchc 34.3 / rdw 14.4 / platelet 9.0 / These numbers are so far from any of my labs, every 2-3 months for the past 16 years. I have severe rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, neuralgia, chronic indomnia since early childhood, degenerative disc syndrome and a few other minor issues. My current Dr is freaking out on me that I have to get a transfusion of 3 liters of blood and 20 units of platelets immediately and a colonoscopy right after. He did not explain anything to me and he spoke to me for under 10 minutes where I could not get a word in edgewise. I feel pretty good, no changes that are not RA related. I am really svared