Thanks for your query.
Noted the history about your Mother and understood the concerns.
Frequent urination in an elderly female patient is suggestive of the following:
Urinary tract infection.
Cystitis and cystocele meaning prolapse of the
urinary bladder.
This can be diagnosed by the following ways:
A gynecological per-vaginal examination, per-speculum examination.
Ultrasonography of the whole abdomen particularly for genitourinary tract.
Tests of urine: Routine, microscopy, culture and sensitivity.
Tests of blood for CBC, liver, kidney function.
Since she is suffering also from feeling sick and tired get blood sugar and thyroid functions too.
All these together will give a proper diagnosis and if needed take another opinion of a
Urologist and further relevant investigations like Urethro-cystoscopy and Pyelography to get additional information have proper courses of antibiotics, symptomatic and supportive medications.
Take plenty of fluids.