Hello. Thanks for asking from HCM.
I can understand your concern. Based on your wife's surgical detail, most probably she might had disc compression at C4-5 and C5-6 along with cord compression. I could not make out whether surgery was done via front aspect or back of neck. You can provide more details in another question. Any way, if there was compression of cord which got relieved after surgery, she had shown some improvement.
Now that she had again deteriorated after one week of surgery, it might be due to the edema of surrounding tissue, failure of fusion construct, late bleeding and blood clot, granulation tissue after inflammation or disc at another level causing compression of cord. These shakes are most probably due to hypertonia of muscles, less chances are of tremors. It can be confirmed by clinical examination and
MRI of
cervical spine. Exact pathology and cause will be confirmed after it and based on it, further plan of management like surgical decompression of spine or medicines like
baclofen to relieve tone will be decided.
You need to
consult neurologist. He will examine your wife and advise MRI. Meanwhile, your wife should avoid neck movement as much as possible, use
cervical collar if you have it at home, avoid neck pillow, any kind of weight lifting, avoid any kind of jerky movements, check for sensations of all extremities for any loss. Absence of pain is a good sign as it means no focal
nerve compression.
Thanks. Hope it will help you. Take care.