Hello Doc, I have history of irregular menstrual cycles. Menarche at age 12, normal cycles until I became sexually active at 15. Never normal since. Sometimes years of no flow, and then a random 7-day cycle. Most recently, I ve had about two months of cycles that last for 5-7 days, but the flow is basically non-existent. There s sticky red discharge for a few days, and then just red residue in my urine, then nothing. Given that this is only the 2nd month of this trend, I m not sure what to expect for next month. I have taken oral BC in the past, but not currently taking anything. Have talked to several OBs who say that this is common in women in my age range (23) and no sign of ovarian cysts. I have been prescribed something (not sure what) in the past to initiate period, and then advised to take BC to keep the flow regular. My mom has fibroids. Your advice would be most greatly appreciated. -DAJ