I've had problems with my teeth for the past few months. The last time I had an emergency visit with the dentist, they suggested I go to a specialized place for tests 2 hours from my home. I don't drive & am flat broke so it wasn't an option. They gave me a prescription strength ibuprofen (600mg) to take whenever the pain was bad. In the last few days, it's gotten worse. It feels like the area is throbbing; I'm hypersensitive to cold/hot, & it hurts to bite down on that area of my mouth. On top of this, it feels as though a couple of my teeth have shifted. I have no other way of describing it other than my bite has changed in the same area. I'm tired of hurting when I eat. Please help.
(I'm 25, 5'5", 300 lbs., & have had dysfunctional uterine bleeding/menorrhagia since I was 15 years old. I've been on birth control pills for the past 1 1/2 years to control it.)