Hi welcome to HCm
I have gone thru your query regarding
throbbing pain in the back side of left leg . I can understand your concern .
Dear , there are so many factors which lead to such a painful situation . removing the affecting factors can help alley pains .90% of your problem is solved
Any condition that puts excessive pressure on the legs or abdomen can lead to varicosity. Being an equestrian can also be one of the causes .
Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and menopause may be responsible for the high proportion of varicosities among women.
Dietary deficiencies or the loss of skin elasticity due to aging are contributory factors.
Prolonged standing or sitting,
constipation, constrictive clothing, lack of exercise, obesity, or repeated heavy lifting can interfere with normal circulation to increase the likelihood that
varicose veins will develop-and can worsen existing varicosities.
To get out of this rutt and to remain healthy through out life ahead ,it is essential to modify your life style .
I would like to suggest you to increase your immunity by include regular balanced diet containing all essential nutrients and regular exercise for proper blood circulation & Yoga's stretching and
relaxation techniques can be particularly beneficial for varicose veins. Certain positions, such as the Plow, Corpse, and Half Shoulder Stand, promote circulation and the drainage of blood from the legs. The deep-breathing exercises in yoga may further alleviate discomfort by getting more oxygen into the bloodstream.
Get plenty of sleep. The body needs recovery . Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep every night.
learn to be active with pain, reduce your drugs and stay more on your will, regular exercise schedule is a must, and staying busy is the key.
meditation gives you mental strength .
Application of Hot pack or hot water bottle wrapped in a towel on painful part helps alley your pains .
Aloe vera jelly application and drinking juice 30ml gives relief .
Take a level spoon of Turmeric powder with a cup of hot milk in BF and at bedtime , helps alley pain and inflammation .
massage with olive oil helps alley and inflammation ..
A drop or 2 of
Homeopathic Ruta with 4 spoons of water
intake of plenty of water is very essential
Avoid constipation ,
sleeplessness ,stress ,tea ,coffee , smoking ,alcohol
It is advised to see your doctor for further guidance .
Hope this helps solves your query .Take care , All the best .
Don't hesitate to get back if have any further query .