I am 22 years old. Almost a month ago, I have started to exprience this tickling/crawling sensation on the skin around my vagina and sometimes inside the lips (I don t the correct terminology). I can not tell if it is because I have shaved, and now the hair is making me itchy or if I have picked up on something? At the same time, my boyfriend and I have tried anal sex for the first and LAST time. I made sure he washed his penis THREE times and thoroughly before he were to have intercourse with me the next day, and it was a month ago too, and it was not until after that experiment, when i started to feel it. It is driving me nuts, and it is usually on the same particular spot. I have done a self examination but I do not see anything out of the ordinary. I plan on going to the doctor soon but I want to have an idea on what it may be.