Hi, I am 16 years old. For a month now, I have had a tingling feeling on my lip. The first week, it had traveled to the middle part and the bottom part, but it was mostly on the corner of my lip. The first week, I had a bump. It didn t look like a cold sore though. It was the color of my skin, which is dark brown. It did not hurt and it disappeared after only a day. No oozing. Nothing. After that, that part of my lip just tingled and tingled. It would be on and off. There were no bumps after that, just tingling. And now, i think I am growing a bump on that same spot, but it is the same color as my skin. And it is no so much a bump yet, it was just a little scabby thing. And the tingling is not on that bump either. It is actually somewhere else. Right when i felt the tingle that day, the little mark is showing. I am scarde it could be herpes since I share my drinks with my parents and brother...