thank you for providing the brief history of you.
A thorough neuromuscular assessment is advised.
Based on your symptoms, i feel you may have a cervical disc degenerative changes, which is leading to pinching of the nerve in the cervical region and tingling in the hands. Also, by undergoing a clinical neuromuscular assessment and an MRI of
cervical spine, the diagnosis can be made and treatment will include - simple medicine and
physical therapy.
Since there will be a presence of spasm of muscles of the neck, which can be understood by palpation technique - PT will help by use of therapeutic
ultrasound therapy to reduce the spasm. Also, proper exercises are taught to strengthen the muscles of the neck and upper
In my clinical practice is see cases with gym injuries , work station related injures and many more. The
tingling sensation is helped by a combination of medication and physical therapy. In 2-3 weeks of time, things settle and normal life is back.
Jay Indravadan Patel