When I was out for a walk 3-blocks one-way, and on the way back, about 3:30 pm, my fingers on my right hand started to tingle and begin to feel a little numb. I look at my right hand, and all the fingers (except thumb) from the mid-knuckle/joint to the finger tips were white. below the mid-knuckle/joint toward the wrist, were the usual light pink color. Once back into the residence, the fingers slowly became normal pink, with the index and middle finger being last to recover. A similar event, on the same right hand occurred last month in my temporary residence when it was very cold indoors. The same four fingers were practically white with a slight grayish color at the joint closest to the finger nail. Historically, I had a injury to my neck when doing sit-ups, and had my hands behind my head, and jerk my head forward to do the situp. During the next few days, a slight, moderate, then extreme pain occurred. This was documented with a test and recently a scan of my neck. Occasionally, would get skin tingling on my left arm and upper left leg, in addition to a slight burning sensation in the upper left leg. Any ideas for the right hand fingers? Thanks, L LUM I just noticed this service requires a payment, which I was not aware of. My primary physician is aware of my concern, and should be in contact with me tomorrow, Friday February 10, 2017. If I had to be seen, my medical insurance would apply. A complimentary second opinion is welcomed.