I have been experiencing tingling, numbness, pain and burning in both my arms into my wrists, hands and up my arm to my shoulders (like where they lift at). It seems like the pain is causing my neck and scapula area stiff and have pain as well. Its sarts in the eveing time usually then depending on how bad it is at night it will come and go through the day. Its waking me up several times a night. Sometimes sleeping up right seems to help. Laying on either arm definitely makes it worse. It hurts so bad I cant go back to sleep and spend all noght trying to figure out what way I can get comfortable so it wont agitate the pain or casue it get worse. It also seems to make my arm feel very weak, last night it got so bad I couldnt lift my left arm up or bend it. Even after the pain subsides the tingling and numbness sticks around for sometimes an hour or longer. I have had problems with my back for years and going to doctors, but nobody has beenable to give me some help or reason what's causing the pain. My regular physcician said its fybromyalgia, my orthopedic doctor found some pertruding disks in my low back and I had a procedure to fix that, but the pain in my upper back , neck and shoulders/scapula's is stilll there. He sent me to physical therapy and a pain dr but still no relief. I have also seen a rheumotologist and she said I have a reverse curve in my upper spine that could be causing pain as well as tenonitis in both my scapulas, but I have yet to be relieved of this pain in my back. Do you think the new problem/pain is caused by my ongoing problem? And what do you think is the cause of my new proble? I really hope you can help. Thank you for your time.