For the last 3 years my sons face has broken out around his mouth, under his nose and on his nose. It all started when he was two and there was a visit from his older brother who was 6 at the time. Anyway, his older brother broke out with white bumps in his mouth. A few days later my two year old son had bumps on the oustide of his mouth. We took them to the ER and they said it was Hand, Foot & Mouth, which I thought was silly, especially given the fact my step son was 6 and doesn t put his hands in his mouth. Anyway, my step son goes back to his home in Maryland and each visit (about 3 times a year) my two year old would break out during each visit my step son would come. He wouldnt break out any other time except when my step son would come around. The year before last, my son began breaking out each time he gets a fever. I took him to his doctor and she said it was Impetigo. Treated him with an antibotic and a cream for his face. These worked fine. Well I figure it is not Impetigo because it continues to come each time he gets a fever and the cream doesn t work but when she gave him that antibotic, it does. On Wednesday, his face broke out on his nose. This is a first. Tiny small bumps all over his nose and they hurt. He did have a fever two days ago. What could this be and what could get rid of it?