Hello, Hello, I am 17 years old turning 18 in a month, and have for the past three years been experiencing a horrible state. I get tired so easily, I cry all the time at the simplest thing which is quite embrassing. I get headaches. I also used to be a person who was so outgoing and was top of my year, and lately I feel I have gotten progressively dumber. I don t remember things as easily, I have no motivation to study or in fact do anything. I have no friends anymore and get the feeling everone hates me- almost paranoid. I just want to sleep even if I have been sleeping for more than 9 hours. I can t understand how I ve changed so much. I have been the the doctor and he thinks its depression and because I am anemic thinks this is the issue to my constant tiredness, but I feel there is something more. Please help. I am desperate.