hello, i have understood your concerns..
your husband has
high blood pressure and with meds it has controlled, then most common reason forr these kind of symptoms is depression, so i ll suggest u to go for proper psychiatric interview and
psychological evaluation. he must be remaining depressed, has lack of interaction as compared to past, lack of sleep, not taking proper food, fatiguability, tiredness, heaviness in head must be due to decrease sleep and stress of work and from worries about future...
go for psychiatric consultation.. with antidepressant medication he will be alright within 2 months, but meds shud be continue as per advice from the
u can give him meds like: tablet. escitalopram [10mg] once at night..
for sleep tablet zolpidem [ambien 10 mg] at night..
regular exercise, proper diet,
meditation and yoga will be helpful
he can also go for
i hope this advice will be helpful to u..best of luck