Good day I am curious about some troubling symptoms I have been experiencing recently. Generally òver the past 4 years I have been experiencing widespread fasiculations that vary in intensity and seem to correlate with my anxiety level but never really go away. Upon seeing a Dr. about them he did a few strength test and dismissed them as benign. However for the past week and a half I have been having a more localized twitching, in the exact same spot in the paroneal area of the left calf. This twitching is very slight and very persistant. As of now I don t seem to have any weakness however I do have some mild widespread aches as well as the normal widespread twitches. I also have a slightly swollen and tender inner ankle that presented much earlier and may or may not be related. I take vitamins so I m sure its not a defficiency. However an interesting observation is that while my regular fasiculations continue regardless the persistant one in the calf seems often to go away or at least become invisible so to speak when laying down with legs elevated, standing or flexing the muscle or sitting in a cushioned chair. Conversly it seems to be intensified by sitting after walking, any ecercise at all, or sitting on a hard surface. I am dreadfully scared of ALS and obsessively examine the twitch, manipulate it and perform strength tests. None of which alleviates my anxiety.