I understand your concern.
Menopause is as natural as staring menses is. It consists of complex symptoms on psychological& physical level.This is due to withdrawal of menstrual hormones
from body.
Actually Weight gain, digestion problems, changed bowel habits, lack of sleep along with psychological stress/
depression are typical to menopause, as it is in case of menarkae( starting of menses) Do we load a teen ager with drugs while she is in the tender age?.
On the other hand,your sister has been given one/two drugs for each of the symptoms! he symptoms
To know the basic cause of menopausal symptoms & try to manage the changes with personal efforts is all that is needed.
In my view Your sister needs to continue with, Aten -25, Isoflav -cr. & should change her life style & leave the remaining drugs one by one.
- Diet- should contain restricted rice,potatos( startch),oils,butter, salt.
Stop taking sweets, fast foods, spicy food, cakes,ice creams
Consume lot of vegetables,salads, one sour fruit day, wheat bread, curd, sprouts, mixed pulses milk (egg, chicken/mutton/ fish -any one of these a day.) Restriction of calories after consulting a dietitian. No eating in between 2meals & snacks & tea twice a day,
- Exercises-
Yoga, walking, respiratory exercises (Pranayama) & positive thinking.,meditation
- Sleep 6-7 hours in a day. Be active otherwise in some work/ meetings/ hobby/friends. Use Yoganidra for sound sleep.