Thanks for your query.
Noted the history and understood the concerns.
The commonest causes of
dry mouth and change of taste, added on by the air fresher can be due to the following reason:
Although the medications for RA are not changed, it has caused fryness of mouth. RA being an
autoimmune disease you can have affection of salivary glands y autoimmune process causing dry mouth which in turn allows the opportunistic bacterial overgrowth giving the typical taste in mouth.
I would advise you the following in such a situation:
Get the blood tests done.
An opinion of an ENT or Oral Surgeon to see the condition of oral cavity.
A course of an antibiotic,
Oral gargling medication.,
Use of artificial saliva can help a lot.
Still better is to have sips of oral fluids/ water to keep the mouth wet.
steroid may help to an extent.
Rheumatologist opinion or review is very important.