Hi Doc, I feel the urge to urinate, like urine is trapped in the urethra. Its come and gone for a year now. It has flared up again after about 6 months. It s not comfortable, not painful but just makes me a feel a bit weak. If i go to the toilet when the urge comes i would be going every 2 hours. I would feel weak and some muscles inside my side and lower chest would ache briefly. I ve had this problem since September 2013. It reduced until around Feb/March. . If i went to the toilet more than once in a matter of hours it would continue reguarly throughout the day, despite the amount of fluid i intook. I managed, to manage it by going once on the morning, and then once on the evening, making the time of being uncomfortable limited. After the first time going for a pee, there was no real problem. Then, it stopped from May onwards until the last few days. I m really confused to whats happening with it. I drink alcohol and have regular protected sex and tug a little bit. But thats generally always been the case. I put it down previously to anxiety however right now in my life I m doing a bit of travelling and i m so happy! I ve had STD tests, Urine, UTI tests blood tests, diabetes, urology scans, prostate scans, cystocopy all negative. I ve tried taking some anti biotics to keep any virus away but doesnt seem to work. And i must stress its if I m awake and go to the toilet within more than a few hours. My best bet is to go once on the morning and resist the rest. Also, drinking less water(as i drink a good amount) and more dairy, thicker drinks slows it down a bit. It s almost i feel the urge to pee, slight wet at the tip but not much happening. Any thoughts?