Hi. On January 25th, I went to the hospital with severe pain on my right side. While there I was told I had appendicitis. A couple hours later I had my appendix removed. I stayed over night and was released the following day. At home I took the medicine I was prescribed (750mg Vicodin). I did what I was told, no lifting heavy objects, take it easy, and rest. I began to feel better and was back to normal activities. About 3-4 days ago I started to have pain on my left side where my incisions were. This pain then traveled to my back on the left side. It slowly went away only for the pain to begin on my right side. Currently the pain is on my right side, the middle and lower of my back traveling to the front and down my leg in the front, also near my groin. I can't bend over without feeling a sharp pain. Even as I sit and make one little move I get a sharp pain in my back and side. I felt nauseous 2 days ago but did not vomit. Also when I was in the hospital, during surgery, the doctor noticed that I had a very tiny kidney stone, but did not remove it. But I have no pain when I urinate. I do have the urge to urinate a lot recently. What could be the cause of this?