as I can understand from the history of complaints here, your father appears to be suffering from multiple issues as
1) urinary retention- here is is mostly from
prostatic hypertrophy. Brain unfarction mainly causes
incontinence but not retention. Here an exact measurement of the prostate from sonography will help for further management. It is mostly age related considering his high age. A PSA( prostrate specific antigen) test can be helpful, can should be done.
2) multiple brain infraction- as suggests the findings on MRI and CT. well, it again could be due to underlying
high cholesterol levels, or minor brain injuries or without specific cause. Here it can be a cause for his
hallucinations and mental problems. However can be managed by low dose of anti psychotics like haloperidol and anti coagulants.
3) disc degeneration- again age related. Supportive management is only the option as any operative surgery not recommended at this age. Physiotheray can provide some relief with cautious use of analgesics.
By enlarge your father appears to be differencing from age related and lifestyle related complications.
hope you find my opinion helpful. Welcome for further opinions.
thank you. wish your father a good health.