Hello dear
Understand your concern
slight Brown discharge may remain up to 4-5 days after abortion. As uterine
endothelium cell come out and uterus come back to normal position.
If brown discharge continues up to 7 days than you have to consult the gynecologist to rule out
retain product: USG should be done to diagnose and treated by
misoprostol or D & C.
Infections: continues brown discharge may be due to vaginal or
pelvic infection as retain product increase chance of infection. Should be diagnosed by pelvic examination and swab test.Treatment is course of antibiotic.
Burning sensation may be due to chemical that you used during bath. For that use mild shop like dove and use liquid shop to avoid burning.
If remain long time then it may be possibility of infection (
urethritis, vaginal infections).
Drink lots of water, healthy diet with
iron supplements, antibiotics provided by doctor, maintain proper pelvic hygiene.
In spite of disappearance of all symptoms, Pots abortion USG should be done after 14 days for safe practice.
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar