Hello ,
Last month on the 11th of June , me and my girlfriend tried to have sex ( She had her period on the 8th which ceased on the 14th) , We didn;t succeed as maybe we were both very tensed and concerned , anyway we took every possible precaution , using protection the right way and neither did it slip out or tear and also taking the MAP the very next morning .. On the 14th we indulged in foreplay which included some fingering , but again we took precautions of ensuring our hands were clean at all times .. she started spotting on the 18th which stopped on the 1st of July .. yesterday on the 7th of July , she showed some light streaks of blood in the morning which havent reoccured or have turned into a period , Although we have taken every precaution , is there any chance of pregnancy ? Or are these just side effects of the MAP ? or is the bleeding that occured yesterday a sign of implantation bleeding ?