I have for the past 8 years experienced strange symptoms which started first w/ vision problems including periods of almost complete vision loss and pain in eyes. When this first happened the neurologist I saw was concerned w/ M.S. possibly. I didn t go for the testing as the problems seem to clear up. These symptoms have come and gone over the past eight years. I was 38 at the first onset of these symptoms. A brain MRI showed 3 lesions then. I have had migraines since I was young as well and was also in a terrible car accident when I was 20 which caused a whiplash and concussion. Furthermore, a cervical MRI shows a lesion directly on the spinal cord at c7. As the symptoms have come and gone and with more frequency, my MRI s continue to show the lesions now a total of 22 mostly in the centrum semiovale and the periventricular white matter areas. When the MRI s are interpreted the radiologists always says this is not characteristic of M.S. but that M.S. cannot be ruled out. I don t want M.S. but I want to know why I have all these symptoms including vision problems, stuttering at times, headaches, strange tingling sensations, feelings of something crawling on me, I get a terrible pain across my midsection that feels as if I have a huge band around my chest, urination problems, extreme fatigue, concentration and memory problems, leg cramps and spasms, body spasms, eye pain, flashing lights. To further complicate things, I had a severe back injury and have permanent nerve damage which can also cause some of these problems. I have diabetes which is completely controlled w/ diet and lifestyle. I am now 47 and take several medications for pain management related to back injury. I am 5 2 and weight 153 pounds.