I can answer u better if u mention age, n duration of
diabetes history.
jus discontinue
morphine, sever vomitings is one of the side effects of morphine,coming up to the level of
amputation is serious manifestation n this requires alarming care in regulation of blood
glucose levels, and strict diet control..if not it may lead to septiceamia..
first go with fasting
HbA1C test, it gives an blood glucose levels of past six months,which is imp to decide dosage of hypoglycemics.
To be followed strictly
1. regular medications
2. low carbhohydrate diet
3.completely avoid sugar containing foods, fruits,and vegetables(especially those grow underground)
4.mainly to have physical activity..especially walking, cycling ect.(as muscle cells n brain cells dont require insulin(whic requires to trasport glucose) to absorb glucose from blood its best n regultes blood glucose levels