thank you for a brief history. if you are having a warm sensation in your leg in the calf muscle area, we should check one of the things, are you a diabetic? or having any swelling or
injury in that area? meeting up a physician initially to do a test to find out uric acid levels as the beginning. Second to check is for you
thyroid levels, then as the test comes the diagnosis will come closer. as a physician will be able to assess the area and decide the proper test for the same.
based on the reports coming the physician will guide you for the best. having a consultation with a physician is never a bad idea. post that any further need arise then a specialist will be directed.
for time being you can try keeping the leg over the pillow and do some ankle toe movements while you are lying down on your back.
also you can try doing some straight leg raise while on your back.
this should work and give you ease.
if the symptoms persists then physician is always there to help undergo any special test.
with the grace of God I wish you a speedy recovery