I am sorry for the health problems your dad is going through.
Your dad's case in short:
- 84 years old
- hospitalized for bronchitis
- developed secondary UTI while in hospital; already treated with antibiotics
- current symptoms: extreme weakness; off balance, heavy frequent urination
I am happy that he has treated bronchitis successfully.
His current symptoms are suggestive of ongoing UTI or irritated
urethra. Prostate gland should be checked to rule out
enlarged prostate and treat them adequately. Abdominal/uro-genital
ultrasound is recommended together with a consultation with
Urine culture should be carried out to determine the causative agent to his UTI (bacteria or fungal)? or just an inflammation of the urethra?
If uncircumcised, discuss with his urologist if he can benefit from
circumcision now.
He might need another course of antibiotic. Urine anti-septic containing cranberry, uva-urse are also recommended to use. Toilet training/Kegel's exercise can also help.
Being off balance and extreme weakness is due to both passed bronchitis and current UTI. Frequent urination is causing loss of electrolytes. Get the blood electrolytes checked. Increase fluids intake especially water with oral rehydration salts (
Monitor his blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Advise to have the meals regularly.
Hope this helps.