Thanks for your query on HCM
"As"per your clinical history is concerned please follow like this to confirm the exact pathological cause first-
Do a clinical examination by your [Gastroenterologist] and Do investigations like -[CBC, TSH, LFT, Stool RE,
Ultrasound whole abdomen and capsule endoscopy]
Do take few preventive steps like this -
1)Try to limit dairy products and use an OTC enzyme product such as
Lactaid may help.
2)Try low-fat foods and avoid butter, margarine, cream sauces and fried foods.
3)Try to limit fiber, if you have loose motions and if not then you can take it.
4)Try to avoid Spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine etc
5)Try to eat small meals. You may find you feel better eating five or six small meals a day rather than three larger ones.
6)Try to drink plenty of fluids daily.
7)Do take a multivitamins caps regularly.
8)Try to quit
smoking 9)Do exercise,
yoga and meditations regularly to manage
Hope that helps