Greeting from Dr. Divakara.P
First of all thanks for choosing Healthcaremagic for posting your query.
There are different causes of
weight loss, from simple cause like
Malnutrition to serious cause like Cancer.
Common Causes are :
1. Inadequate Food Intake .
2. Improper Absorption from Gut.
3. Liver Problems .
4. Pancreatic problems.
5. Kidney problems.
6. Endocrine problems like
Hyperthyroidism etc.
For the correction we need to diagnose the cause first. I that view I advise you to get the following tests done and revert back .
Complete Hemogram, Liver function test, Serum Lipase,
Ultrasound Abdome pelvis, Fasting and postprandial blood sugars, Serum TSH.
Hope this information was useful to you.
Any clarifications feel free to ask .