Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... I'm 44 190lbs and have had no health issues, about 2 wks ago i started having burning sensation while peeing, my wife gave me cranberrie pills which seemed to help, then about a wk later started getting cramping feelings in my lower abdomen and slight aching pain in my testicals, I've had no blood in my urine, but decided to go have a urine test and it came back negetive (bacteria) the doctor gave my ciprofloxacin 500mg 2 pills twice a day to take for seven days if the systems continued, I read up on testicle issues,done self exam have a bit more sensitivity in my right testicle at the top, but not much more sensitivity than normal, no lumps, i did today have a white supstance at the tip of my penis, my question is, can bacteria still be present even if it didn't show up in the urine test, or could it be a virus. Thanks, Bob.