Hallow Dear,
What you feel an increased normal
vaginal discharge of
pregnancy does not seem to be so for the following reasons:
1. You are having itching.
2. Your vagina and/or
vulva is sore.
3. You are/were on antibiotics.
4. The
white spots could not be removed easily.
To me this appears to be fungal (yeast) infection in a very early stage. It need not smell. Please report to the Gynaecologist to confirm the diagnosis and get appropriate treatment.
Either systemic or preferably
local antifungal medicines will cure you of this infection. Left untreated will infect the baby's eyes and mouth during delivery. Along with, please use Lactobacilli containing vaginal ovules or Lactacyd perineal wash. This will regain the normal
vaginal flora destroyed by the antibiotics.
This infection can be transmitted sexually also. Hence, the treatment should be taken simultaneously by both the partners irrespective of the symptoms to the other partner. Both of you, also please follow these instructions:
1. Observe sexual abstinence till both of you are declared completely cured of the infection.
2. Shave the private parts clean.
3. Do not apply soap to the private parts. Soap increases the
fungal infection.
4. Boil underwear daily.
5. Use panty liners (for you only).
6. Clip the nails short.
I am sure with this, you will be cured within 10 days time.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri