Hello. Thank you for writing to us
This is certainly occupational. The underlying factor being inherent dryness of skin.
Repeated hand washing and contact with chemicals/ detergents being factors that are responsible for manifesting this.
Allergy to rubber may be an additional factor.
Those who are atopic/ allergic have a
dry skin and this makes the skin prone to irritation from chemicals and detergents.
The effects get accumulated over a period of time and is also known chronic cumulative irritant
contact dermatitis.
Definitive treatment would include a job change. Talking to your employer and a change of duties would certainly help.
Palliative treatment would include avoiding wet work as much as possible and avoiding contact with soaps and detergents.
You may use an intensive moisturizer, twice daily and every time you wash your hands.
Talk to your doctor for a confirmatory diagnosis as well as the needful.