Hi, I am have had this yellow bump at the back of my throat from more than 8 months now. And i have some rashesh(first red then turned white like mouth sore but not round or circled more like a patch) on the back of my throat and near uvula from last one week. Its not that painful just itchy sometimes. Uvula is red and seems long. It touches the back of my tongue and feels itchy. i have been using warm salt water to gargle since a week and see very little improvement. I have noticed very purple veins in my throat, below tongue, on uvula and soft palate today. Also i see very tiny dots like popee seeds or little smallers than that on soft palate, under tongue, end of the jaw. I had swollen lymph node when this started for a day or two, lymph nodes are normal now. No cough, no chronic pain, no swallowing problem, no blood, no mucus, no chest or ear or shoulder pain and no headaches. Just itchiness and mild pain. History: I had a very bad infection on my right tonsil 6 years ago, that disfigured my roght tonsil since then. It was a black spot that treated by my doc with antiseptics gargles and it healed. Also, i am a pack a day smoker since 8 years. I am attaching the pics, please advice