Hi. The yellowish discoloration/patch on your tongue with associated burning when you try to brush it off may be related to menopause. It seems like what you have is an oral thrush or
oral candidiasis.
Menopause precipitates this because of hormonal changes that decrease salivary flow in the oral cavity and leads to dryness which is a good environment for a fungal infection such as candidiasis. Not sure if the diarrhea is related to the oral thrush but since oral thrush occurs when there is poor oral hygiene, you probably could be swallowing other oral pathogens that can cause diarrhea. Also menopause can alter your immunity and make you more susceptible to infections.
Oral thrush is treatable with a short course of antifungal medications, multivitamins and oral antiseptic rinses (some antifungal paints are also useful). These can be prescribed only after an evaluation by an
ENT specialist or an oral pathologist/
dentist. Please do visit one soon. You may also want to check with your
endocrinologist on whether you need
hormone replacement therapy.
If the yellowish discoloration of the tongue is associated with yellowish discolouration of your skin and sclera(white) of your eyes then it indicates liver disease. You may have associated decrease in
appetite and nausea as well. If this is the case then you will need to see a gastroenterologist and disregard the diagnosis of an oral thrush.
It may also be worth noting that women going through menopause may be afflicted by a sensation of a burning mouth or tongue most commonly known as
burning mouth syndrome (which is not due to candidiasis). It is described as a burning sensation on the tongue (no discolouration or patch), gums, lips, inside of the cheeks and the back of the mouth and throat. It is widely believed that these symptoms arise from fluctuating hormone levels that occur during menopause. Since you have menopause for an year now, it is unlikely that a burning mouth syndrome would occur at this stage. The treatment recommended for this is Hormone replacement therapy.